

A technology that restores the true sound of digitally-compressed audio tracks

A Revolutionary Technology

HARMAN Clari-Fi™ is an exclusive HARMAN patented technology based on unique knowledge and expertise in acoustics, recording and playback technologies that brings compressed music back to life. ​

We listen to music everywhere, whenever and wherever we want – at home, jogging in the park, on our way to work, and especially in the car. We can have our entire music collection constantly with us, with unlimited access to all our favorite tunes – at a relatively little cost. If you download, stream or play music on a digital device, your music is digitally compressed. Compression can remove up to 90% of the audio details originally recorded in your favorite songs – so you are left listening to a reduced version of the real thing. 

Clari-Fi is a revolutionary technology that analyzes digital audio files in real time and corrects waveform deficiencies based on the existing audio information. Thereby, it scales the amount of treatment based on the quality of the individual source signal “rebuilding” much of what was lost in the compression process. 

It is easy and convenient to use Clari-Fi, as it works at home, on the go and in the car.  And, with Clari-Fi, your music will simply sound much higher in quality. Once applied, Clari-Fi works automatically, no need to configure or adjust.

True Sound Instantly Restored

Analyzes in Real Time

  • ​​Clari–Fi scans all ty​pes of compressed audio files for lost music details, supporting MP3, AAC, Satellite Radio, YouTube, Playback and Streaming Music Services.​​


Rebuilds Lost Details

  • ​Clari-Fi intelligently corrects waveform deficiencies based on existing music information and audio source quality.​


Restores High Fidelity

  • Music that has been 'Clari-fied' sounds clearer, crisper, wider and more dynamic. It is more reflective of the original recording.​

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