
Test as a Service (TaaS) Practice

Using advanced testing methods and state-of-the-art facilities, HARMAN Automotive can institute tests and validation programs across automotive domains.

Enabling Software-Defined, Service-Driven Mobility

 Solution Accelerators
 Access to proprietary HARMAN test and validation assets that can accelerate test and validation processes
Shift Left
Shift testing and validation to the left in the development cycle by decoupling from HW availability through virtual validation.
Global Footprint
 With a footprint of more than 500 test engineers globally, HARMAN is well-positioned to deliver on large customer engagements.
Shortened Time to Market
Access to a generic reusable test suite of 70K+ use cases for Digital Cockpit that accelerates testing programs and reduces product time-to-market.
HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services offers comprehensive testing for intelligent cockpit, connectivity, and ADAS to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of cutting-edge technologies in vehicles. Specializing in test automation and setting up global test labs, HARMAN leverages assets like test case libraries and IOP device repositories, supported by a team of over 500 skilled testing professionals. HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services offers comprehensive testing for intelligent cockpit, connectivity, and ADAS to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of cutting-edge technologies in vehicles. Specializing in test automation and setting up global test labs, HARMAN leverages assets like test case libraries and IOP device repositories, supported by a team of over 500 skilled testing professionals.
Android Auto & AAOS Pre-Certification Lab
  • ​Dedicated Lab set up to certify Android Auto Certification (AAP) and AAOS on any head unit 
  • AAP includes both bench and vehicle testing 
  • Proven track record in Android Auto Pre-Certification​ ​

Android Auto & AAOS Pre-Certification Lab
  • ​Dedicated Lab set up to certify Android Auto Certification (AAP) and AAOS on any head unit 
  • AAP includes both bench and vehicle testing 
  • Proven track record in Android Auto Pre-Certification​ ​

PSOP Maintenance
PSOP consulting services and engagement model based on a well-defined Project Transition Methodology, and Aautomation Ttoolchain for testing and CI/CD DevOps.
Software Integration Services
Automotive Engineering Services is a leader in System and Software Integrator Services with deep experience in the Digital Cockpit and Telematics domains, both in the vehicle and in the Cloud.
Software Integration Services

Related Information

ADAS Integration
With capabilities and solution accelerators, HARMAN AES can help build solutions to address and solve OEM's current and future AD/ADAS needs.
Software Integrator Services
Rich experience in the development and integration of onboard and offboard software.