
HMI Development Services

HMI Development Services
HMI Development Services
Experience Scalable HMI Design

HARMAN AES has a proven track record of successfully deploying multiple automotive HMI designs in production. Our HMI Competency/R&D Center has deep expertise in a wide range of HMI technologies and leverages our proprietary HMI Assets for accelerated Digital Cockpit HMI development. 

HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services (AES) can provide complete development of the entire software stack, including requirements management, system architecture, HMI design and development, middleware services integration, hardware integration and BSP, system integration, and verification, among other services. We accelerate HMI development by use of HARMAN tools and assets along with diverse HMI development tools like: Kanzi, Unity, QT Design Studio, Android Studio, Unreal Engine. We have HMI IC, IVI, HUD & AR Graphics development experience for single OEMs to multi-brands OEM-Groups. HMI Cross-platform Application Toolchain (HCAT), which is QT based,  allows HMI software to be independent from hardware, automatizes the development process, and helps in creating HMI applications like separate modules. As a  top 3PL partner for Google since 2007, HARMAN AES has access to pre-releases of Android Auto and Android HMI customization.

Key Service Offerings

HMI Design by Huemen

  • ​User Research
  • UX Design
  • ​Wireframing


HMI Development

  • Configurations
      • HU with Multiple-displays
      • Digital Cockpit (IC) + HUD
  • Technologies
      • Qt/QML + Qt Design Studio
      • Android Automotive
      • 3D (Unity3D, UnrealEngine)
      • Kanzi
      • ​HTML5/JavaScript​

HMI Testing

  • User Interface Test ( HMI Flows, Object States)
  • ​Performance Test ( Latency, Frame Wise Measurements)
  • Drive Testing – User Experience Enhancements
  • ​Test Automation – Pixel to Pixel Validation, Object Position, States and Flows​
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