
Over-the-Air (OTA) Insights

Securely managing all in-vehicle software components anywhere and anytime
HARMAN Over-the-Air (OTA) Insights
Applying Secure, OTA Updates to Connected Vehicles at a Global Scale

​As software is redefining how automakers design and build vehicles, it is essential that this software is kept up to date. The faster an update can be deployed, the more likely costs are reduced, the brand image remains strong, recalls may be avoided and most importantly, customers are satisfied.

Monitoring OTA Software Update Progress

OTA Insights builds extremely informative dashboards and reports that provide analytics and actionable insights on OTA activity. This information includes the penetration of software versions across fleets, models and regions, and provides reasons for low adoption rates and other challenges OEMs and dealerships face in performing the updates. It also helps to increase campaign efficiency, reduce the cost of an update and deliver the in-vehicle customer experience that the automakers envision.​

Key Features


  • ​Global, scalable, and secure solution to match the size of any fleet, large or small.​

Self-Service Portal for Data Management

  • ​​Consistent approach to normalizing data sets, that allows seamless expansion of new vehicle models over time and across different model lines.​


Intuitive Reports

  • ​Useful and intuitive reports that show aggregate campaign data, per vehicle, model, and/or geography details.​

Enhanced Analytics Guidance

  • ​Enhanced analysis tools to give guided insight to the anomalies and the trends. The tools also help in identifying the root causes behind the anomalies and trends
  • Encompasses advanced analytic and predictive capabilities using structured and unstructured data.
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